“This is a beautifully bleak hex crawl around an island smothered in oppressive darkness and fermenting wickedness. The Sluagh and their foul fog and maddening miasma are inscrutable and unknowable, but you must investigate the Island; discover the secrets buried within and without. Collect the scraps of information and open your heart and help these people tearing each other apart and worse, or become dark and hard as flint; indulge the mercurial machinations of men lost to madness of the mists and consent to cruelty. Worse still, lose yourself completely in the blanketing fog of yore; stumble blankly into the eternal night of truly annihilating nihilism…
There is still faint hope that your investigation can illuminate the mist’s mysteries, lifting Man to the light, but it’s not for the fainthearted.“
– Curse of Sebs
The Isle of Endless Fog is a 5e adventure for characters starting at 1st level and ending at 4th level. It’s a sandbox adventure with a small setting for The Isle of Man, a location from Fallen Camelot setting. It features all three pillars of a 5e game: exploration, social interaction, and combat.
CONTENT WARNING: Mental Health Issues, Depression, Disassociation, Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideation, Human Experimentation, Drugging and Abduction, Cannibalism, Murder of Civilians and Children, Clerical Abuse of Power through Tyranny.
The Isle of Man was by no means a safe place, with sporadic assaults from the troll, Buggane, trickster fey, and conflicts of resources with the local giants, but it is still a place where local folk can live their lives in relative peace.
All that changed when the sluagh came.
They flew free from an ancient tower, a storm of wailing ghosts that swept across the land, carrying a blanketing fog across their backs that choked the land, the sea and the sky. The Death Mist warps all that it touches, inviting death into the homes of all things, whereupon the sluagh swept out of the skies, snatching up souls on the verge of death, and carrying them away from their bodies and into a new horrid existence as a fellow sluagh.
In packs they fly, swooping through villages on the westerly winds, carrying away the souls of half its denizens, leaving the rest to starve, whereupon another wave will come to claim the rest.
Over time, the mists drained the life from the earth. Fields turned barren, forests petrified, infants were born malnourished and shriveled. Yet, its hunger only grew. The sluagh called beyond, drawing travelers to Man. Sailors see the fog first, rolling in from the horizon, before the wailing of the sluagh deafens their ears, and the mist blind their eyes. After what feels like hours, the sailors open their eyes and see Man on the horizon.
The explorers quickly find that they cannot leave this place. They must either banish the mist from this place…or destroy it.
What’s included?
An 80 page PDF with the adventure itself, information on the Isle of Man and:
16 new creatures
11 new items
4 settlement maps
The Isle of Man map with its Corruption Map
Farm map for Derbyhaven
Maps for all 5 levels of the Tower of Eternity
Separated files with 11 high quality, unique maps, total of 20 maps with their versions:
The Isle of Man map and its Corruption Map
4 misty version of the settlements
4 clean versions for the settlement maps
Misty version of Trustan Farm in Derbyhaven
5 misty versions of the Tower of Eternity for the World Master (DM/GM)
5 misty versions of the Tower of Eternity for the Players
Any feedback or comment on the adventure is most welcome!
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